Alec Arra

Books which will change the world

Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them (Albert Einstein)

About the Author

I have been involved in accounting and bookkeeping for 50 years. I left school to join a bank. It was a small branch and the customer bank account records were kept in large ledgers on sloping desks. All records were handwritten. I can still smell the Indian ink on my stained fingers. I sat on a stool and we were told that, in the event of an attempted bank robbery, we were to throw a ledger through the nearest window to attract attention. Fortunately, it was never necessary for me to endanger passing pedestrians

While studying for banking exams by correspondence course, I discovered double entry bookkeeping. This changed my life. Something about the way it worked took a grip on my imagination. I bought a translation of the first guide to book keeping published by Pacioli in 1494. I left the bank to study accountancy and became a chartered accountant.

I gained vast experience of all types of accounting systems, both manual and computerised. I had extensive experience on computerised accounting systems running under MS-DOS. I saw the introduction of self-assessment tax returns and the transfer of many government transactions online.

I have dealt with enquiries by UK tax authorities into business accounts. Many of the employees I trained went on to highly paid positions with accountancy firms, or to responsible positions in large companies.

All this experience has given me a unique insight into the difficulties faced by taxpayers, accountants and the tax authorities.

This book is the distilled wisdom of a half a century of intensive experience of bookkeeping and accounting. It will give you the key visualisations and concepts enabling you to reach a high standard of ability. This is targeted training with, hopefully, all the boring and unnecessary bits left out. Once you've reached competence in this area, I would hope it will also give you the techniques and confidence to master any field you choose.

CD Cover

The key to double entry bookkeeping

A full guide to understanding and using the double entry bookkeeping system; incorporating simple spreadsheet examples enabling you to see double entry bookkeeping in action for the very first time. You will be preparing accounts within ten minutes!

Now available for download on Amazon.