Alec Arra

Books which will change the world

Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them (Albert Einstein)

New release for the UK!
Activate your Superhuman Success System

You can now access the formula for unparalleled achievement, which enabled our ancestors to walk and sail to every corner of the globe. Verified by over 60 years of research, thousands of academic reports and case histories, the formula combines the powerful forces of measurement, goals, and compounding with a growth mindset. It enabled Jacob Fugger to become the wealthiest man in the world and made the British cycling team and Japanese industry world beaters. Please don't underestimate the potential it has to improve your reality.

Artificial intelligence will transform our lives radically

AIARRA represents the fusion of our inbuilt success system with AI, giving you an enormously powerful method of reshaping your health, wealth, and career by exponentially improving results. It is the gateway to a future of boundless potential.

Bridging the past and the future for personal, local, and national transformation

Integrating age-old wisdom with the latest innovative research and technological innovations, the power of AIARRA will unleash prosperity and achievement beyond our wildest imagination. AIARRA will make individuals, organisations, and communities fireproof by increasing achievement and resilience in an increasingly uncertain world.

New release!
Wealth and Double Entry Bookkeeping
Unlock Prosperity in Humanity's Next Evolution

The combination of double entry bookkeeping with artificial intelligence is revolutionising business record-keeping. Now, any business can keep real-time records linked to advanced budgeting and forecasting software in less time than it would take to maintain manual records. You need to understand the enormous potential and hazards. Gain a complete understanding of how artificial intelligence will change the dynamics of wealth creation.

Understand how double entry bookkeeping works by seeing it in action for the first time. You will be preparing accounts within 10 minutes! Get complete information on the optimum methods of exploiting the latest cloud-based software.

By understanding how past measurement revolutions resulted in nations and individuals amassing vast wealth, we can unlock the limitless potential of AI. AIarra shows the way to a bright new future and helps everyone meet challenges in our path.

Both books are now available for download on Amazon.

If you have the books you can download the spreadsheet examples here.

The one thing you must do today - your life will depend on it

Download the spreadsheet "Example 9: Compound Growth Calculator" to see the power of compounding. Appreciate the enormous effect of simple actions taken on a regular basis. Financial institutions use this power against us, but to be happy you must understand how compounding works.

We are programmed to fail

Our brains, shaped by millions of years of evolution, tell us that it is OK to eat to excess and do as little as possible. This survival mode is disastrous in modern life. A culture of instant gratification means we dash aside the horn of plenty and drink from a poisoned chalice.

Are you compounding failure or success?

Daily actions have an immense cumulative effect. Most people compound failure. You won't notice if you regularly eat too much but, eventually, ill-health will take its toll. If you take out expensive debt, you may be able to cope for a time, but gradually your debts can increase. You are then on a slippery slope to financial oblivion.

Program for success

  • Plan for success with the goals process detailed in AIARRA: Wealth and Double Entry Bookkeeping.
  • Measure progress against targets.
  • Use the power of compounding to propel you to success.